Monday, December 10, 2012

RACK'ed Day 4

Yummy! Who doesn't like Christmas cookies?? Well, the girls and I and my bestie baked cookies and delivered them to the nurses at the nursing home, a lady @ church and then oops....left the last batch at our house. I was only able to capture a picture of the box of cookies before we delivered them because the kids ran off and did it before I could get a picture! I am thoroughly enjoying seeing how happy they get when they make someone smile!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

you have been RACK'ed.....Day 3

Our postal workers spend the month of December working very hard to ensure that packages get to people on time. Gifts, food, cards, etc. We took the time to say thank you to our mail lady with some Snowman Soup! I surely hope that she enjoyed it!

you have been RACK'ed.....Day 2

On this day of going through town doing our random acts of Christmas kindness, we taped candy canes to ATM machines and the red box machines. It was fun and the girls enjoyed it. They actually got to witness someone take a candy cane. They screamed with excitement!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

you have been RACK'ed! Day 1

My daughters and myself went out into town today to start our 25 days of random acts of kindness! Today, we went around sticking quarters to drink machines, toy machines, front doors and even gave quarters to a few hard workers at Old Navy. The Christmas season is a busy season for retail and I am sure that the $1 that the workers received will buy them a refreshing drink out of the soda machine. We also stopped and gave a homeless lady $5. My children had smiles all day as they taped their quarters and notes to different spots. It truly blessed my heart!!